Monday 14 April 2014

Reading Update: Gone Girl

I am currently about a third way through Gone Girl. This book has been on my TBR for well over a year and it has only been bumped up to 'currently reading' due to my sister's influence (and by influence I mean constant begging). I have been coerced into reading the book so she has someone to talk to about it. 
At the moment, I think it's alright. I'm loving Gillian Flynn's writing style but at the same time I a little bored because nothing has really happened and it's 140 pages in. I imagine that this is one of those books that you can't really judge until you've finished it and know everything. My sister says it only really gets good after the first half which is mainly just character development. The second half has all the juicy twists and turns. But since she has already told me that there are so many twists and turns, I'm spending a lot of my time trying to figure out what they might be. I know this is a bad habit but who doesn't try to do that when they read a mystery novel. It's practically impossible to not analyse everything for a hidden meaning.
I will keep reading it (of course) but I wanna expedite my reading speed so I can get to the juicy stuff. At the moment I feel like I'm being dragged through possible twists with my eyes blinded. Not that this is an uncomfortable feeling, its just that I feel like I'm so slow in getting to the punch.
I still have my hopes high and expect and great ending. *fingers crossed*

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean, when I read it I felt it was an okay book but eventually once everything came together I felt it was much better though there are still some aspects that I disliked about it. I hope you enjoy it
